A video game by Mi'pu'mi Games
Published by astragon Entertainment
Howl is a turn-based tactical folktale set in mediaeval times. A sinister ‘howling plague’ has ravaged the land, turning all who hear it into feral beasts. You play a deaf hero plunging into danger in search of a cure.
Use your weapons and your wits to survive, planning up to six steps in advance to outmanoeuvre your opponents. As you plot out your attack, you’ll also craft your own prophecy, weaving a continuous piece of scripture during the fight.
The visuals of Howl are created through ‘living ink’, a flowing artstyle that paints the story as you play. Carve your way through a dark fairytale world, fighting and writing to rid the lands of the plague.
News to share
Publisher astragon Entertainment and Vienna-based developer studio Mi'pu'mi Games are proud to announce the release of Howl, a tactical, narrative tale in which players must rid the world of a plague, the eponymous "Howl".
Howl was part of Nintendo's Indie World presentation on November 14th, 2023 and the live release was celebrated with an exciting featurette.
Howl is now available for Nintendo Switch™ and PC via Steam. Furthermore Howl will be released on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S and Epic Games Store on January 23, 2024 and can already be pre-ordered digitally.
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